Wednesday, September 15, 2010



CUT AND SEW IN OHIO; or was it American Fork, Utah

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 – As stated earlier, I was rescheduled for my in-clinic surgery from last Wednesday to the sixth of October then from the sixth to this morning. Dr. Sanderson passed a kidney stone last Wednesday and will be out of town on the sixth. Anyway, bright and early, at eight thirty this morning I was in the clinic wearing loose fitting shorts to facilitate matters and had three procedures done. Three is the maximum they will do at one time and if I understood them correctly it is because, if they shoot any more numbing “stuff” in you it can make you goofy. Well, the three they did do made me a little light headed and feel funny as if –I- needed that. I have other problems that do that to me on a regular basis. In all, I had a big gouge taken out of my lower left leg, where the trace of melanoma was found previously. They also took off a hairy brown blob off my upper right leg and a dark spot off my right hand. The doctor sounded almost disappointed that I didn’t flinch when he poked me to give me a shot in the hand. I saw it coming, was prepared and wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction. I guess I should be happy he came in early today to do this for/to me. I mentioned to him that Judy asked the doctor how may stitches she got after delivering one of our children and the doctor retorted, “Do you count when you sew?” Dr Sanderson said that any doctor who says a specific number when asked that question is either lying or guesstamating because they are concentrating and too busy sewing to sit there and count stitches. Dr Sanderson said that if I haven’t heard the results of the biopsies by a week from now to be sure and call in and ask! Oh, Dr. Sanderson turned out to be as big a comedian as I am. We had a fun time and his nurse Jessica, a cute nearly forty year-old redhead, joined right in with us. Sorry Jim she's happily married!