Friday, September 30, 2011


Friday, September 30, 2011
The other day at Disneyland, I spilled food on my shirt. I didn’t realize how bad it was and put it on again the last day, the day we flew home. We noticed the stains at the Orange County Airport so Judy bought me two T-shirts there. One of them read: “I my be immature, unorganized, lazy and loud…but I’m really fun!”
The other one says: “I may not be as normal as I first appear.”

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Thursday, September 29, 2011
Last night we returned home from Disneyland. Judy and I flew in on a later flight. Niki and Greg and the kids left early and drove home. We all arrived at “our” Smith’s within a few minutes of each other where Judy and I got our stuff out of their Honda Pilot. They took our stuff so we wouldn’t have to deal with it through the airports.
Nice of them.
We all had a good time. We stayed in adjoining rooms at the Disneyland Hotel which made it convenient. It is right next-door to downtown Disney where we did some of our eating and shopping.
We went on mostly kiddy rides but Alexa did on one occasion “suffer” through the Tower of Terror. She was big about it but announced that she wasn’t going to do it again.
Gavin got to where he could handle the darkness on some of the rides where he would cringe in terror and complain on previous trips. He and I went on a lot of the rides together.
Alexa made several new friends on the trip. The family in front of us in line on the Dumbo ride was from Boise and had a daughter Alexa’s age. Alexa, in no time flat made friends with her and soon invited her to ride on the ride with her. Unfortunately it didn’t work out where they could do it but the thought was nice.
One night we went to dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen on Katella not far from Disneyland. While we were eating, three year-old Gavin blurted out, “Grandpa, do you stand up when you pee ?” I answered that sometimes I do.
Later in the same meal if I remember correctly, five year-old Alexa in a plenty loud voice  announced graphically what a "Melvin"is. Tuesday was a hot day and not too long into the afternoon we retired to the hotel swimming pool. (The rest of the days were overcast much of the day.)
Greg and Niki put swimming vests on the kids and we headed for the water. We did some swimming in the deep(er) pool first.
Alexa has lost most of her fear of the water and didn’t bother to stay near the edge so much. Remember she is wearing a swim vest.
From the “swimming” pool we went to the water slides. There is a little slide, a middle sized slide and a BIG slide. Greg took them on the little slide which they loved. From there I took them on the middle sized slide which they called the big slide. Alexa especially loved it and after the first time she went on her own over and over again.
It wasn’t long before Gavin went back to the little slide.
After a while we went back to the chaise lounges where the adults were. Alexa took off her swimming vest and soon announced that she was going back in the water. I guess Niki didn’t want them going in the water without the vests until they have had swimming lessons…I didn’t catch that message until later when it hit me; so Alexa and I were off; first to the hot tub then later to the “big” slide where she went without her vest at least three times and was just fine though I can see how a parent might worry.
There were a lot of kids littler than her without vests on but I don’t know about their swimming abilities.
Any way we had a good time together at Disneyland.
Jim showed up and spent one day and part of another with us. The first day his friend Larissa was with him and she and Alexa became fast friends. The two of them were hand in hand much of the day.
We all really liked Larissa.
There were a lot of rides Niki couldn’t go on and other thing she couldn’t do being as pregnant as she is.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Uncle" Tom the chiropractor

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A week ago or so Jayden had been complaining about his back hurting so I took him to my chiropractor, Tom Allen. Tom asked him if it was his upper back or lower back that was bothering. Jayden said both. He worked on him for a while and I could hear several good pops.
Jayden was very cooperative as well as chatty.
His one hip was way out.
I paid for ten visits. If you do it that way you get them for $15.00 a visit instead of $20.00.
Today Stacey called to tell me that Jayden wanted to go in again. I picked him up after school after talking to Stacey for a couple of minutes. We invited Stacey to go with us but she declined because Bailey didn’t want to go and Stacey was in the middle of house cleaning. She said she still had a pile of wash to do.
Her vacuum “blew up” so I took one of ours to her.
On the way to the chiropractor, Jayden and I stopped at Simply Ice Cream. Jayden got a chocolate peanut butter shake and I got a Lime Rickey sherbet cone. Jayden usually gets a double or triple cone but he got the shake so he could leave it in my van while we were at the doctors.
Jayden and Tom talked up a storm. Tom was quite impressed at Jayden’s communication skills.
He went through the same routine as last time with some good pops.
Stacey probably wouldn’t have liked the sound of it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Re Friday
Three year-old Gavin has been wanting me to take him to the Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum. Thursday at dinner at Winger’s I asked him if he wanted to go “tomorrow”. Of course he said yes.
I picked him up at just before 11:30 a.m. and off we went in my old white Town and Country van.
He kept asking my how soon we would be there.
He has been there enough to know the routine and where to go. When we got there he ran up to the admissions counter and put his hand up to get it stamped. I paid the $16.oo dollars for one three year-old and one senior citizen (nearly 68) and off he ran.
It was just a few seconds when we came up to “the” dark tunnel like side path. At that point he came to a screeching halt, turned to me and said “hold you” or was it "carry you?"
I picked him up and carried him a couple of feet past the darkness then he was good to go again. I was able to teach him that he needed to say “Carry me.”
We practiced a while him saying “Carry me” and me saying “I’ll carry you.” He seemed to get the concept. We’ll have to see if he remembers next time.
We had a good time looking at all the displays and playing with the interactive displays. Of course he especially enjoyed playing in the water with the toy dinosaurs and toy palm trees.
After we had seen everything; some of them several times, it was time to run and chase. He ran, I walked as fast as I could. We ran and played hide and seek so much that I got confused and it took us maybe five minutes to find the exit.
From the museum we walked over to the deli in the next building. We passed maybe ten handicap parking spots. Gavin walked up to the first pole which held a handicap only sign and pretended to hit his head and said “Boing” then fell to the grass moaning and holding his head. He then got up and repeated this ritual on every pole.
At the deli he ate half of a peanut butter and (strawberry) jelly sandwich, ate potato chips and drank water. I had a pulled beef barbeque sandwich and drank a diet coke. I finished off the other half of Gavin’s PB & J.
In the van driving back to his house we sang, “Gavin is a monkey up in a tree eating potato chips.” He sang “Grandpa is a monkey up in a tree eating potato chips.”

Anyway, grandson and grandfather had a good time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Saturday, September 10, 2011
Niki called before Judy left to get her massage. She was telling her about her frustration over Alexa and Gavin; ages five and three. She said that for something for school, (the word was not show-and-tell) Alexa wanted a BYU sweatshirt.
In the beginning Alexa would play both ends against the middle. To her parents she would always say “BYU” knowing they are Utah fans. To me she would shout out “Utah Utes!”
Now she has become a straight BYU fan.
Niki, today tried one more time to change her mind to no avail. Finally Alexa said “How about if I wear one that says BYU on one side and Utah on the other”
Gavie (age three) said “Grandpa is a BYU fan so I am too.
Later Alexa called and asked to speak to Grandma. I told her that Grandma was getting a massage and explained what that meant.
She said laughingly, “Well, I have a story I want you to tell her if I can remember. Oh yea, I remember. I came out of a store wearing a BYU shirt and two boys said ‘Utah Utes’”
She thought that was pretty funny.
Remember Alexa is the one who swoons over Justin Bieber.

Judy reminded Niki that when she was eight(?) she insisted on Utah sweat pants which Judy relented and finally got her. She did look good in them even though they were the wrong color.
Serves Niki right payback's a B---- as they say.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


I have had a lot of good times with grandchildren. Austin and Molly have spent a lot of time at our place and I feel I have gotten a lot closer to them.
We have had a couple of sleepovers and on one of them Gavin wanted to sleep over but wanted his mother to stay with him so she did.
Yesterday I delivered a mask that Austin ordered on line. I got Diane out of the shower…Oops! From there I went to Niki’s and ended up staying there four hours or so. Gavin and I had a good time chasing each other around the house for what seemed like forever. I was gasping and I felt like I was having a heart attack…but it only lasted a few seconds and I have had enough of them to know it was a false alarm.
Gavin and I got some toy musical instruments and started banging and singing. He had a plastic microphone and a tambourine. I had a little drum and a tambourine. Gavin started out. I don’t remember the words now but I followed along. Then we started banging the instruments on our knees and heads while we sang.
We kept this up for quite a while. Finally Gavin held his head where he had been banging it and said, “Ohhh, I need some Ice.”
When it was time for Alexa to come home from school, Gavin and I and Jenn, Avery’s mother from next door, walked to the corner and waited for Alexa and Avery to get off the bus.
I was invited to stay for dinner and Alexa and Gavin and I broke eggs and helped mix them for the oven baked omelet. Alexa broke one egg and I broke a couple. At that point Alexa got a big spoon, pulled out one of the yolks and put it in her hand. She held it in her hand for quite a while with a little bit of egg white hanging down the side of her hand.
I thought, oh well it’s going to be cooked.
This afternoon Niki called and invited me to go to Winger’s to eat with them. It was Alexa's idea to invite me. Almost immediately after that, Alexa called and we chatted for a while. She is a very mature, sophisticated conversationalist.
I got there first.
When they got there, Alexa counted how many of us there were including Grandma Judy (who hadn’t arrived yet) and went inside and told the girl at the door that we needed a table for five.
Judy arrived not too much later.
Niki mentioned that Alexa is bossy including with her friends. She knows how much she can get away with at home and Niki being pregnant is in no position to argue with her.

Corey and I did all-you-can-eat sushi at Simply Sushi for lunch today.
As usual we sat at the counter where Apple was working. She has taken care of us so many times we don't even tell her what we want.
When we left Apple said to me, "Papa, tell Mama hi."