Friday, August 07, 2009


Friday, August 07, 2009 Today was my day to watch Jayden and Bailey. They prefer to stay at their house which is more boring for me and from nine in the morning to five thirty/six in the evening makes for a long day. At one point Jayden could tell I was not overly enjoying myself and offered to play catch with the football for MY sake. Good on yea Jayden it was fun as long as it lasted. The three of us earlier went to their school and played wall ball. Later this evening Corey and his family, Greg and Niki and theirs and I went to Teppanyaki in Lehi for dinner which was fun. Alexa especially enjoyed climbing on and looking at their large tropical fish tank. She did not like it when the Teppanyaki chief made fire on the cooking surface twice. She turned her back to it but peaked back at it through the corner of her eye. Afterwards Jayden and Corey came over to my house to pick up the first book in the Harry Potter series for Stacey. Since I had two copies of it, Jayden took one for himself. He read the first page to me while he was still here. Corey put the last of the molding on in the little bedroom and Jayden and I wrestled. I’m glad Jayden and I are good enough friends that he will wrestle with me and tease and harass me. Bailey and Alexa do too.

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