Sunday, August 02, 2009


SATURDAY, AUGUST 01, 2009 Thanks to Stacey having to work and Niki having a migraine, I spent the day watching Jayden, Bailey, Alexa and Gavin at Niki's house. It went rather smooth considering. Gavin is getting pretty good at walking and go as far as he wants. He just gets insecure or whatever and sits down or grabs your hand after a while. After dropping Jayden and Bailey off at Corey's work at 5:00 I picked up Austin and drove him to where he was acting in "Opening Night" then picked up Judy at Trolley Square. Then the two of us went to watch the play. After the play Judy and Austin and I ate at Hires Big H on 7th east and then we drove home. I thought Austin did an excellent job of acting in the play. He played the part of Dan, a high school student playing the part of Jack Blackwell, a rich man who marries a woman who, as it turns out, marries men for their money then her accomplice Vinnie kills them. In the play, Austin/Dan/Jack smokes. Hmm. Tonight Jim, Jayden, Bailey and I went to see the play. It was the first time for them. Jayden and Bailey hooted in laughter throughout it. For whatever reason at the end Jayden said, “I can just imagine what Austin will be like in collage!”

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