Monday, March 14, 2011


Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a couple of weeks ago I was thinking how lucky I have been this year, at least cold wise; then low and behold Jim came down with one, sore throat and all, then Judy got it and now I have one. I am stuffed up from my bronchial tubes to the top of my head. The bronchial tub part, I think, is my head cold draining down; not an actual bronchial infection.

I went to the Instacare in Saratoga Springs where the "technician" told me I don't have an infection…i.e. something an antibiotic can help.

He gave me a prescription for a decongestant and a cough suppressant which read "Do Not Drive." Well I never was much of a golfer anyway!

I am starting to feel better. I don't know if I am getting better or if it is just the meds making me feel better…but the cough suppressant is "making me feel REALLY good!"



Stupid me. I was feeling a little better this afternoon and bought a frozen yogurt. Immediately the congestion tripled.


1 comment:

Sam said...

Frozen yogurt is worth some side affects ;) Have you been to yogurt bliss?