Friday, April 15, 2011


Stacey opened today at FEDEX and it is still Spring Break, meaning I had Jayden and Bailey first thing this morning. They hadn't eaten breakfast yet so when we got to our house I asked if they were hungry and what they wanted. Jayden wanted scrambled eggs, so I made four of them; two for each of us. Jayden announced that he wanted to make his own. He grabbed a frying pan, cracked two eggs into it, scrambled them with a spatula; no butter. It wasn't until then that he turned the stove on. Bailey said she wanted hardboiled eggs. Jayden put three eggs into cold water and I set the timer for ten minutes as a "check it" time. At ten minutes Jayden took them out with a slotted spoon. He and I ran them under cold running water long enough to not burn our hands and then we "pealed" them. They were soft boiled. Jayden put them on a plate for Bailey. Long story short; I ate four scrambled eggs, Jayden ate one scrambled egg and Bailey ate one soft boiled egg. Out of nine eggs we only wasted three of them. Oh well, it was a good learning experience. I THINK!!!!!!!! At 11:30 or so we went to their house. I read; Bailey watched Peter Pan and Jayden played video games and watched cartoons. Stacey got off work at 3:00 since she went in early. That is how my day, now you are totally yawning. I felt really good, in part to being distracted by those two--thanks kids. Ps. Jayden kicked my butt at ping pong but I refused to admit it. The three of us were laughing hysterically.

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