Monday, October 03, 2011
A long fun day
I had trouble getting to sleep last night then at a little after six Chris texted me and asked if I wanted to drive the Alpine Loop with him and take pictures.
Judy heard the beep on my cell phone and woke me up. I texted Chris back and told him to call me. Anyway, he picked be up in the Macey’s parking lot in Lehi and off we went. We first walked a bike trail at Bridal Vail Falls then we drove up a side canyon at Vivian Park which was fun then off we went to “the Loop”.
Our first stop was Sundance. We got out and walked around and shot pictures. Then we stopped at various places along “the Loop” to take more.
Our last major stop was on a long un-paved side road that took us to the base of Mt. Timpanogos where we got out and took a bunch of pictures.
I have a new (used) SLR Canon camera that I got from Corey and Stacey. The family got me a long range lens for my birthday and gave it to me last night when everyone was over for spaghetti dinner.
When Chris and I were doing “our thing” I keep switching back and forth from my short range to my long range lens; what a hassle and if I were in a hurry I might miss something.
Oh well!
After the drive we met Mom and Corey and Greg and Niki and Alexa and Gavin for lunch at Joy Luck or as I call it, Sum Dum Luc.
I got Jayden and Bailey after school and took Jayden to the see “Uncle” Tom; Tom Allen our chiropractor. Jayden is doing well.
From their we drove to our house and spent an hour and an quarter wrestling in the pool.
Fun day.
Side note both hiking with Chris and wrestling in the pool I am holding up really well. In fact the last three or four weeks I have been doing so well that I have gotten off my pain pills, muscle relaxants and sleeping pills.
I am not breathing heavily hiking in the mountains albeit we didn’t take any strenuous hikes but I used to be huffing and puffing just walking around in the high altitude like at Sundance.
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