Monday, August 11, 2008

Gavin's Blessing

Monday, August 11, 2008 Yesterday was our grandson Gavin’s blessing. His father Greg did the honors in Gavin’s other grandparent Chazen’s home. The Chazen’s bishop presided and afterwards told Greg that it was perhaps the best blessing he had ever heard. After the blessing we had a taco bar provided by the Chazens extended family then the youngsters played volleyball. Judy and I didn’t eat a lot. Tupo Falou’s homecoming was yesterday also and they had a luau type buffet at the clubhouse afterwards so we weren’t very hungry. We ate a little bit at each. Jim and his family came Saturday afternoon and stayed the night. They went back home last night. They took Sierra with them as Chris was leaving for Houston on a 6:00 a.m. flight meaning leaving here at 4:00. Suddenly it was so quiet here I broke down and turned on the TV. Shame on me. Corey and his family of course were at Chazen’s too.