Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 My ten year old grandson Jayden has twin friends named Zack and Cameron. Recently they have been going over to Jayden’s to play after school. Their mother has a rule that wherever they go they have to call home and tell her where they are. The other day when they called, Jayden took the phone and said “Hi Cameron’s mom, my name is Jayden Jepson. We haven’t had a chance to meet yet. I just wanted to make sure you know that Zack and Cameron are here playing. Our phone number is… [Left out for cyber safety reasons]. Did you get that; do you need to get a pen…good, OK well don’t worry, they will be safe here. OK, bye.” The kid’s mom came up to Stacey in church Sunday and said how cute she thought that was.