Sunday, March 14, 2010


Sunday, March 14, 2010 I am still feeling ill with a head and chest cold. I am also suffering from severe headaches and three days ago I threw out my back. I don’t even know how I did it. I went to the chiropractor twice and had a massage. It seemed to help a little but I am still in pain. Sometimes when I first get up my back seems normal but after a couple of steps it’s right back to the same-o-same o. Tonight Corey, Stacey, Jayden and Bailey came over to swim in the pool. I decided to go over with them. It seems like it helped my back. I jogged in chest high water and twisted back and forth then sat in the hot tub. I asked Stacey if she had any new funnies to tell on her kids. She told me the following: “When we were at Cabela’s the other day, they were giving away free peanuts and we of course got our share. Corey decided to go into the dressing room and try on a shirt. He turned to Jayden and said, ‘Hold my nuts!’ “Jayden laughed hysterically for about ten minutes.”