Monday, January 16, 2012


Monday, January 16, 2012
The wind has been blowing out of the north since yesterday sometime. It’s dark and gloomy and you know me; I become depressed or anxious or both. Today both! Then to top it all off my van won’t start (I hope I just left a light on or something.) I got in it to go to lunch with Corey so now, Double Whammy!
No jumper cables. We used to have four sets but one by one they have all disappeared…though, if the garage weren’t so cluttered maybe I would find a set by the white storage units.
It’s Martin Luther King Day and Judy didn’t have to go to work but did so anyway around noon to get some stuff done so I am home alone.
It’s a good thing Jayden and Bailey stayed overnight with Grandpa Wayne because I wouldn’t be able to get them; back to the car problems.