Friday, January 18, 2013

Beverly Ann Balcom Dean

Friday, January 18, 2013
My sweetheart Judy and the rest of the family, grandkids and all are in Minneapolis for a memorial for Judy’s mother Bev who died not too long ago of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. She was age 84 and doing very well when her legs started twitching and it progressed from there. Fortunately for her, I guess it was rather fast moving.

Anyway, I started to say that everyone is back there but. I have the flu and am getting really bored sitting or lying around. When I am lying down I don’t feel so bad so I get feeling guilty and get up. I go in the kitchen and open the fridge and pantry but nothing looks good. At least as of last night I am able to hold food down instead of having it run right through me. Oh, Poop!

Judy with Niki’s help put together a slide show or PowerPoint presentation of Bev’s life. I’m sure it will be really good. The one she did when her dad died was excellent.