Monday, August 20, 2007

Life in Minneapolis 37 1/2 years ago

19 January 1970 Monday Did I ever tell you that Judy is cute? Yep, she sure is. Right now she is in a dither because she just won a dinner for two at Burch’s, and had her name mentioned on the radio. They asked “Who was the man first to sing ‘Wild is love’”. Of course ”I” knew it was Nat King Cole and she was the first to call in with the correct answer. Today was a very lovely day at -1110 with the air outside frozen solid. But I stayed in where it is warm and gagged, pucked, spit and heaved and generally made the best of the flue; which I enjoyed immensely of course. What a way to loose weight. You know, we didn’t get the car started yet, though we found out that the fan belt is broken. After five or six phone calls in two days the Shell station finally sent over a truck. Jumping the battery didn’t help so we decided to give it a push. The car was so frozen up that one of the rear wheels wouldn’t even turn. We ended up pushing it to the station where it is still sitting. Tomorrow, I hope, they are going to get it started, give it a tune up and put the air filter back together. Judy has a stomach ache from the excitement of winning the dinners.

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