Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Monday, March 25, 2002 The cupboard is full of nothing to eat The fridge in stocked with condiments. If I had some bacon I’d have bacon and eggs, —if I had some eggs. My father used to speak of hoboing during the great depression. He would jokingly tell of going to a farmhouse and asking the lady in charge If he could use her stove and a pot to make himself some Stone Soup. He would take a stone out of the yard, wash it clean, and put it in the pot. “Could I ‘borrow’ a carrot to give it a little flavor?” The woman is really curious by now. “How about a potato” “Some salt?” The list went on and on... “Maybe a small piece of meat?” When he was finished he would throw away the stone and eat the soup. He would offer some to the kind woman, Tip his hat in ‘thanks’ and be on his way.

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