Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today I went to my first Delta Old-timers Luncheon at the Golden Corral Restaurant at 3399 W. 3500 S. in West Valley City. I don’t know why, but when I walked into “our” designated room there were snickers and laughter. I wonder. All I did was walk in. Oh well! They do this once a month (not the snickering part), though since November’s date is so near Thanksgiving, we are skipping it and doing it again in December. I wrote the following e-mail to Phil Greener, one of the big-wigs of the shin dig. (Hey, that sort of rhymes.) "Hey Phil, It was fun to see all the old faces at the luncheon today. Boy it was interesting. I am the only one who hasn't aged. I thought I recognized a lot of people but wasn't sure. And it has only been two and half years since I say some of them. Scott Holje was only a year ago or so ago. Wow! Then again like they say there have only been two of us born perfect on this earth." ******************************************** On another note, this morning I went to see my chiropractor in AF (American Fork). I had hardly walked in the door when an older lady and two little boys came in. The last one to walk in, Carter, had the heavy door shut on his hand. Luckily it shut slowly and didn’t slam on it, and he was OK. I was the one to jump to his rescue and open the door. I picked him up and before the half hour or so was over he was in my arms regularly and calling my Grandpa. Dr. Campbell, the chiropractor informed me that they were the children of Kristy Ragsdale, the lady who was shot and killed in their church parking lot here in Lehi, by her husband. The older woman with them was her mother and the grandmother of the kids. Dr. Campbell told me that Grandma was standing nearby and witnessed the shooting. Grandma happened to be here from the state of Washington where she lives. She has been here taking care of the children in their home ever since. She has just recently been given total custody of the children and will be taking them home to Washington to live with her and her husband. Carter is now three years old. His older brother is named Brandon. He must be five years old or so. Cute kids!

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Donnell Allan said...
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