Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Yesterday Corey needed me to be at his house when Jayden and Bailey got home from school since he had an appointment downtown at 2:00. I gave them something to eat and then they asked me to take them to the school so they could play tetherball. I called Corey and told him where we were going. He said he wasn’t far from home and would meet us there. Bailey decided to swing instead so I went back and forth from playing tetherball with Jayden and pushing Bailey on the swing. Corey soon joined us and he and Jayden played tetherball and I mostly pushed Bailey. At one point I realized that I was running. I haven’t run for years and caught myself by surprise…pleasantly surprised that I could do that and with ease. I guess dieting and loosing forty pounds does have its up side.

1 comment:

Jenn & Kiddos said...

Wow! Good for you! Here is another incentive for you. My Nugent father is law is having problems with congestive heart failure. It has gotten so bad they have had to shock his heart a couple of times to get the rhythm back on a seminormal pace. He does not look well, and can barely walk without getting totally out of breath. This is mostly due to being overweight, high blood pressure, and being sedentary. So keep at it Fred- there are lots of benefits to losing the weight! I'm right behind you!