Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Wednesday, April 01, 2009 Niki and Greg have yet to close on their house. They thought it would be as early as last Wednesday but they keep having it pushed back on them. It is now looking like tomorrow or Friday. At least they got permission to move their stuff into the place. They need to return the truck and trailer this afternoon. Problem number two The carpet layers were, as of today still laying carpet. They had said it would be finished Monday, the day before yesterday. In their defense there have been just the two of them, James Bjork and his helper. Today as they frantically labored they were both covered in sweat. So, we moved everything into the garages, one double garage and a single attached garage. That means this weekend and, I am sure, through the following week and probably later they/we will be moving stuff into their individual places in the house proper…Moving day(s) number two. The hugemungiously big-heavy office desk which, thankfully only has to go into the room which is just off the front door, is going to really be a chore. I recommend renting two, four-wheel dollies, placing one under each end of the desk and wheeling it out of the garage, down the driveway, down the sidewalk that goes along the front of the house and down “their” sidewalk to their front door and from there, manhandling it into the foyer, around the corner and into the office. Whew, that makes me tired just typing it. On a lighter note it was wonderful to see Greg and Alexa reunited after the week and a half or however long it has been they were separated while Greg was in Queen Creek getting ready for the move. Greg’s father Dave flew down and helped him the last few days and put his back out when it came to moving the previously mentioned heavy desk from the Scottsdale office to the trailer. The truck was the biggest one U-Haul has plus the trailer plus what I brought back in our van a couple of weeks ago. Whew again! Niki, Alexa and Stacey made a pizza run to Little Caesar’s and diet or no diet I ate a couple of pieces. In total there were the following helping with the move-in; Greg, Jim, Corey, Stacey, Bryant Llewelyn, Danny Palmer and me. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. It was funny in a way. Everyone had their cell phones and they kept ringing with work stuff from their fellow employees and clients and it chewed up a lot of time but I am glad business is going so well that, that was necessary.

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