Friday, November 13, 2009


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009 Corey called this morning and asked if I could rescue Stacey. Their van wouldn’t start (again) and she needed to get to work. He thought maybe we could jump it. That has worked in the past. For a while they were having a lot of trouble with the battery dying. When I got there and checked, the battery seemed fine—the lights where shining brightly. But, when Stacey tried to start it, it made a loud clicking sound so I drove her to work at FEDEX KINKOS in Draper. While we were driving we started talking about Christmas which is in a month and a half from now. She said that Jayden is getting the idea that Santa may not be real or at least not like he thought he was when he was younger. He said that Santa Clause died a long time ago. Stacey said, “Yes, there was a St. Clause who died way back when but now other people do his job for him.” Jayden said, “I know who Santa really is, it’s Father in Heaven.” Stacey said “Uh…sure!” At this point Bailey chimed in with, “If it’s Father in Heaven we should get everything we want ‘cause he can do anything.” Whoa, Fortunately Corey who was there did some quick thinking and said, “Yes, but Father in Heaven only gives you what you NEED!”

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