Friday, November 20, 2009


Friday, November 20, 2009 Again it was my day to pick up Jayden and Bailey after school. I waited and waited but no kids. Finally I started to drive home to see if I missed them somehow. Jayden came running up to my car with Issie. He hopped in and announced that Bailey never showed up at his room to meet him. That is the daily plan. Jayden panicked and called his dad on my cell phone. Corey said he was coming home “right now.” After checking the house to see if she might have gotten past us and had gone home some how, we drove back to the school. There she was standing next to the sign that says the name of the school. Jayden yelled at Bailey for not being where she was supposed to be then he called Corey and told him we had found her. He asked to talk to Bailey and gave her a big long talking to. It seems no one would listen to her explanation (except me) Her class had been playing on the playground instead of being in the classroom. They quit early and Bailey went to the sign to wait for us. We just didn’t see each other. She felt bad that everyone was getting on her case. After a while Jayden realized how bad she felt and he apologized. That helped and soon they were being silly goofs. Teasing Jayden, I asked him if he had ever kissed a girl. He said no, “I’m not going to kiss a girl until I am fourteen.” Bailey piped in with, “Mathew kissed me under the table but it wasn’t my idea.” Jayden got silly and made up a poem and they repeated it over and over and over again. After a while they did it while doing what looked to me like an Irish jig. It goes: There once was a Grandpa from Kentucky, Who peed his pants in the movie When he went home his bed was wet. End of story – the end (I’m not sure if line three is exactly word for word.) I pretended to be mad and chassed Jayden around the house while Bailey and Buddy got between us and protected him. Bailey wielded a plastic sword. Following is a “poem” Jayden wrote in school. His penmanship is very good. I kept his spelling and punctuation. I’m thankful for two things. One thing I’m thankful for is my dog. Our dog’s name is Buddy. We throw his favorite ball. He catches his ball in the air. Another thing I am grateful for is my Mom and Dad. My dad went to college twice. My mom works for Fedex. My dad fixes credit card machines. My parents are smart. As you can see, I am the luckiest person to have these things.

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