Sunday, December 27, 2009


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2009 Today after church we had a progressive dinner at ours and our kid’s houses so Grandma Bev could see them. We had appetizers at Corey’s and Stacey’s, soup and salad at our place, the main course, Café Rio chicken burritos at Niki’s, then desert at Chris and Sierra’s. Jim’s Julia and her kids, Ethan, Jacob and Autumn were there at Niki’s and at Chris’. Of course in no time they were best friends with Jayden, Bailey and Alexa and were yelling and screaming and running around like a bunch of Banshees. And of course they wanted an adult to chase them, and at Niki’s house have a war throwing light plastic balls at us. First it was Jim, then it was my turn and finally I sicked them on Corey. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. And I was being careful. At Chris’ house it was all me, up and down stairs umpteen times. At first I thought I was going to die then I wished I would and get it over with. Just kidding! We got in a conversation about Jayden’s new pellet/B.B. gun and how Stacey is paranoid about someone getting hurt. The story came up about how when they were living in their apartment in Albuquerque and Jayden was six or seven years old. They saw a show about a kid throwing a stick and hitting a rabbit. After seeing it, Jayden asked if he could go outside. After a while they started wondering where he had gone. They went out and found him lying on the ground with a stick in his hand waiting for the rabbit that lives in the apartment complex courtyard to show up. Tonight when Corey was telling the story, Jayden got all embarrassed and tried to shut his dad up. When he wouldn’t he hid his face. I kind of felt bad for him but loved the story. In my entry of 20 November I recorded what Jayden wrote in school about what he was thankful for. He did a very good job and used a lot of imagination. Tonight while we were at their house they showed us a Christmas story he wrote in school. Again he used a lot of imagination and again it was way good. I will try to get it home so I can transcribe it into my journal for you.

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