Monday, April 12, 2010


MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010 Today being Monday, I picked Jayden and Bailey up from school at 2:30. We watched cartoons for quite a while then Jayden asked me to go into the basement and play “pig” with him. They have a Nerf basketball standard on the wall and we played with an appropriately sized “soft” ball. Jayden is pretty good though I beat him most of the time. I was a better shooter than I would have imagined. After a while Bailey came down and played with us. Bailey is really starting to look like a little lady and not a little girl anymore. She is showing some athletic ability also and had good form shooting the ball. I have noticed her abilities in the past. She is, I think, a better swimmer and diver than Jayden, and you should see her swimming or floating on her back. She looks like a little otter. She is something to behold. Jayden and Bailey got into one of their inevitable spats. Jayden is quite the little manipulator and can twist her all around emotionally. I will say one thing for Jayden though. He is now catching himself and even apologizing; and even giving in sometimes even though he may be “technically” correct; like this evening, Jayden decided he was going to turn in some of his video games for new ones. He chose four including one that Bailey had previously given him saying she didn’t want more. She screamed and carried on and said she changed her mind and so it was hers again. She just couldn’t grasp the concept that once you give someone something it isn’t yours anymore and have no say-so about it. Jayden finally condescended and even apologized to her. I thought that was very adult of him. Bailey is nine and Jayden will be eleven in July.

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