Saturday, August 21, 2010


As the title says we spent nearly a week in Florida going to Universal Studios. It was quite the Marathon. We flew in last Sunday; Austin and Molly went by way of Las Vegas on Southwest Airlines. Judy flew from Indianapolis where she had been at Drum Corps with her mother for several days. Jim and I tried for a non-stop but when it go to us there was only one seat left so I told Jim to go on ahead of me. I took a flight to Minneapolis and from there to Orlando. As it turned on it was the same plane but with a flight number change in Minneapolis so I got off and right back on again. At least the second leg was in first class. We stayed at the Saratoga Springs (Disney) Resort but drove each day via our red Toyota Camry rent-a-car to Universal. We had lots of fun and got very worn out. The heat and humidity didn't help any. On Thursday Austin was so sore on the inside of his legs, he looked like he was astride a horse when he walked; if you can call it walking. FOLLOWNING ARE VIDEOS AND PICTURES OF THE TRIP--PRETTY SELF EXPLAINATORY. YOU WILL HAVE TO CLICK ON "older posts" TO SEE THEM ALL! They are in reverse order of how they were taken. Many were left out.

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