Friday, September 03, 2010

- D.I. -

Friday, September 03, 2010 At eight this morning I was at the DI for four hours of sorting clothing. I was not feeling well. Fortunately from 9:30 to 10:00 was devotional. It was really nice. There was a sister who probably never gave a talk before, talk about her road to recovery from alcohol, drugs etc if I remember correctly. She started out by telling about one of the younger men who is just starting to hear (I hope I have all this correctly.) ask her if she was angry with him. She said, “No;” to which he asked if she was a couple of weeks ago; again, “No.” Because of his inability to hear his ability to pick up vibes was acute and he had done so with her and thought it was directed at him. She said that she had been angry about how her life had been going including not being about to get a “regular” job. This talking to him made her realize she had a problem and she changed her attitude. The prayer was given by another sister who had never given a “public” prayer before. They each did an outstanding job. I snuck out at 11:30 and had lunch with Corey via Mr. Mack where he looked at suits. Jim invited Julia and her three over for dinner and sleepover, I think. Her Jake chose not to come. I went to Austin’s and Molly’s new home to pick them up. I assume they are here for the weekend. Austin drove. Again, he did a good job. He hasn’t done much driving after dark. No problem. Tomorrow Jayden has a football game and Bailey, a soccer game. Stacey has to work so I am going to Bailey’s game and afterwards take her to Jayden’s game.

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