Monday, November 08, 2010


Monday, 08 November 2010 Judy and I, and most of the family are BYU fans, while Greg and Niki are for the University of Utah. (I always say that "I went to the 'U' for a while but I repented.") Four year-old Alexa has quite the sense of humor (Like her grandpa?) She has gotten to where she will play both ends against the middle. I will say to her, in a strong voice. "B.Y.U." to which she will react as if I had shouted out a four letter word. But, when she is alone with one or both of her parents she will get a big grin on her face and shout out "B.Y.U." and wait for their reaction. Last night the whole family including Lyn were over for grilled marinated chicken with all the trimmings for Chris' birthday. Chris is forty-two years old as of yesterday. Jim turned forty-one a couple of weeks ago. Funny having two boy about the same age as their father...he, he. My mind's young--my body's over the hill; in fact so far over the hill I can't see it from here! I especially can't see my feet unless I am sitting down and my legs are outstretched.

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