Monday, December 13, 2010


Monday, December 13, 2010

Today Corey, Jim and I ate lunch at Joy Luck. (I call it Sum Dum Luc.)

While we were there, Corey told us about his weekend. He looked and sounded tired.

He said that Jayden was sick all Saturday night and was throwing up. He wanted to sleep in his parent's bed so Corey slept on the floor.

Jayden got so bad that he couldn't make it to the bathroom. Corey was cleaning up messes all over the place.

After Jayden had thrown up and had diarrhea at the same time Corey put him in the shower.

After the shower, Jayden thought he might feel better if he soaked in the tub. In the tub Jayden ended up throwing up and Pooping again.

The next night it was Bailey's turn though she didn't have it nearly as bad as poor Jayden.

And poor Corey spent two night with little sleep.

The kids seemed fine today when I picked them up after school.

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