Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"I went to the animal fair.

The birds and the beasts were there

The big baboon by the light of the moon,

Was combing his auburn hair."

A song from when I was in kindergarten-first grade.

"Kind of describes my day.

    After seeing my man Stan…well let me explain it this way.

    Judy, my daughter Niki, her four year old daughter Alexa, my son Chris and his daughter Sierra were all leaving for Orange County this afternoon to watch Sierra dance then go to Disneyland.

    Judy asked if I would drop her and her luggage off at her office so she could work half a day and leave from there.

    I said, "OK!"

    She said, "Oh, by the way; will you drop the handicap parking permit off at Niki's so she can put it in her bag?"

    "OK!" (I don't know why she didn't just run it up to her office with her, but I didn't think of that until later.)

    "Oh…by the way, will you run and get the new tires put on my car. Corey said they are in. Call Corey and he can tell you where to go." (They were special ordered.)

    I dropped off Judy then dropped off the car. Corey met me there and we went to get him a couple of new dress shirts then we went to Sum Dum Luc (Joy Luck) one of our favorite oriental restaurants and near the boy's office.

    After lunch, Corey drove me back to Discount Tires and I got back in Judy's car.

When I got to Niki's I started playing with Alexa and two year old Gavin. We decided that instead of Niki dropping Gavie off at Greg's work and her leaving her car there for the whole time they were out of town, I would just take them to the airport and then take Gavin back to Greg.

That we did…sort of.

    As we were driving into the airport, Niki called her brother Chris. He was running late and having problems, (nothing major-just time consuming) and it was decided that we should exit the airport, drive back downtown and get Judy so he wouldn't have to. That we did.

By the time I got Gavin back to Greg's and the boys' office then came all the way home I was exhausted…I guess the hardest part was trying to keep up with a two year old and a four year old at the same time; especially when they were going in opposite directions or wanting my attention at the same time.

Love 'um to pieces and I enjoy doing it and want to on a regular basis but it wears me out.

Anyway I didn't get anything else done today…maybe after a short nap…too early to go to bed for the night!

Other than that I am feeling amazingly well!

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