Friday, March 18, 2011


Friday, March 18, 2011

This evening Niki had to do a last minute dance judging gig this so Judy had Alexa and Gavin.

Judy also had to pick up the vacuum from the Sears at Jordan Landing from some repair work they did on it. After picking up the vacuum, Judy took the kids into the store to look around.

Alexa needed to go to the bathroom. They decided to use the Family one. When Judy went to walk in, Alexa told her to stay outside but that Gavin could go in with her.

Pretty soon, Judy heard the electric hand dryer turn on and off and Gavin giggling. This happened over and over. Gavin got a kick out of standing under the dryer. His head was at the right height to set it off. It blew his hair all over the place.

Finally Judy went in. Alexa said "The toilet won't flush." And she kept waving her hand back and forth over the electric eye.

Judy said it was quite comical.

At one point, Judy was eating a cookie and Alexa in a teasing tone of voice said, "No more cookies for you young lady. They're not good for you."

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