Thursday, May 26, 2011


Thursday, May 26, 2011
                Last night, one hour into the first day of football practice, Jayden was running backwards, tripped, tried to catch himself with his hand and broke his arm; pretty much like Bailey did in basketball.
                This is after Grandpa Wayne paid $190.00 for his fees and I bought him new football shoes. Only $30.00 on my part.
                The last I heard he had left the InstaCare and was on the way to the emergency room at the American Fork Hospital because they were going to have to put him “out” to set the bone.
                I asked him over the phone if he was going to get a pink cast. He said no.
                We first found out about it as we were getting ready to leave for dinner at Olive Garden. Jayden himself told me. He sounded like he was bragging about it.
                Stacey e-mailed us from her phone saying:
Two kids, two broken arms. Please don't call social services.‏ it’s good she can laugh about these things. And it has taught the kids not to take stuff like this too seriously though they can be drama queens about some things.
I just talked to Corey on the phone. He said they gave Jayden an IV and morphine then put him “out” while they set the bone.
               They warned them that even though he is “under”, he will still kick around from the pain. Corey said that he was yelling out “ow, ow”. They weren’t expecting the vocal part. He was under for about five minutes and can’t remember any part of it; thankfully I guess.

                At least he will have something to show off at school the last few days.

Stacey sent me the following, ala my request:
Ok I sent some pics if you want.
The story goes like this, Jayden’s love for sports started pretty much the day he was born, and the need to be competitive started the day his sister Bailey was born. They have to best each other at everything including injuries; Bailey broke her arm a few months ago. Since that happened Jayden has been joking around saying "now I need to brake my arm" of course we laugh at his jokes and tell him "be careful what you wish for, it just might come true" Jayden has been talking about football for the whole year he couldn’t wait for it, nether could Corey, then finally it arrived, football camp, he put his new cleats on and ran out the door, was so excited to get there and see his coach and team mates. He eagerly ran out, said hi to everyone and grabbed a football. An hour of what they call fun past then they threw the ball to Jayden, Jayden ran backwards to catch it (they call it back pedaling) next thing he knew he was down. He only teared up for a second. Corey then called me. I called him a liar cause we had just gone through this with Bailey. Corey told me to meet him at the InstaCare. From there they called Baileys Dr. Baileys Dr told us to take him to the ER in American Fork, there we waited for the Dr to show up, when he did he told me the mesa they have to use could stop his breathing, I of course went in to Mom mode and started to cry and panic only a little bit, we ask the nurse if we could have a minute alone with Jayden so Corey could give him a fathers blessing. She of course said yes, this made me feel a little bit better. Then the nurse came in and told me that she does this 2 or 3 times a shift and never once has anything gone wrong. So the time came; they put him out and fixed the arm. Now they told me he wouldn't feel anything but his body would suggest otherwise. He started to kick the walls and moan in pain while they fixed it. They had to hold his legs down. It was not easy to watch.

Then it was over, and they sent us home. The coach called Jayden and told him he could still be part of the team doing what he could and helping out, this of course made Jayden very happy but still a little sad since we are not sure if he will be able to play in any games. All we can do is wait and see.

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