Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sunday, June 19, 2011

I am still not feeling well, much like Thursday’s entry though today I think a lot of it is that I am full of it…never mind.
Yesterday all but Niki and family came over for Father’s Day dinner. Niki and their whole family have been ill including ear aches and sore throats.
Yesterday Corey smoked a beef brisket. Actually I lit the fire and put the brisket in the smoker. I was being with Jayden and Bailey while Corey and Jim helped Greg and others lay sod in Greg and Niki’s back yard. They were short a little over one pallet.
Today Jim was one of the two main speakers in church and he played his flute while the choir was singing. He gave a very good talk and Brother Philips told him that it was the best sacrament meeting talk he had ever heard. Others told me that they thought it was an exceptional talk.
After meetings Judy, Jim, Molly and I ate yesterday’s leftovers.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I wish I had been there to hear it!