Monday, July 11, 2011


Monday, July 11, 2011

We are getting a new bed frame, headboard with drawers, drawers under the bed etc.
We pulled out the bed, tore out the old headboard set and saw that the wall behind looked terrible. We went to Home Depot and bought two gallons of a bluish green pain-toned down a 4th from a chip Judy liked. It was Niki’s idea to tone it down. For those two, everything has to match. Me, I prefer contrast. Oh well!!!
The guy in the paint department said we would need to do two coats so we got two gallons. Wrong!
Greg graciously volunteered to do to painting.
Judy and I washed down the walls. Put on painter’s tape except in the highest corner and Greg came over Saturday and knocked it out in nothing flat.
It looked great but at Greg’s suggestion, especially seeing we still had a gallon and a third of paint left over we decided to do the long wall; the bathroom/closet is on the other side.
Judy and I prepped it and Greg and Niki and the kids came over last evening.
Alexa and I went swimming while Greg knocked that one out. The cutting in the edges took the longest in fact the whole time we were at the pool. But, when we got back the rest went quickly too.
It really looks nice.
As a side note the swimming thing was Alexa demanding and getting her own way. It was rainy and cold but, Oh well!
Alexa is quite the fraidicat and screamed every time we say a snail and there were a bunch of them in the rain both on the way and on the cement around the pool. She is also afraid to let go of the side of the pool but at the end had she was racing back and forth (running) from one side of the shallow area to the other.

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