Sunday, July 24, 2011


Sunday, July 24, 2011

I put my back out big-time and my knees are killing me too. We pulled everything away from the west end of our bedroom and vacuumed and used the Bissell carpet cleaner on the floor. Later, we pulled everything to the other half of the room and did it.
Judy and Jim; from a hint from Niki, bought some cheap one by molding and Jim used him pneumatic nail gun and nailed them all around the room about two inches above the old molding, so from the floor up, there is on traditional molding, a couple inches of wall then the new one by molding.
Judy taped the wall above the new molding and painted everything below, white.
It gives the appearance of fancy molding going up six or seven inches from the floor.
We had water come in through the basement walkout door next to “Jim’s” bedroom. He ended up pulling up all the linoleum in front of the door and several feet of carpet beyond that. We are going to have to replace that area with some new flooring.
We have a problem with the drain at the bottom of the basement stairwell that I need to find an answer to.

Following are a couple of pictures of out messy bedroom.

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