Saturday, September 10, 2011


Saturday, September 10, 2011
Niki called before Judy left to get her massage. She was telling her about her frustration over Alexa and Gavin; ages five and three. She said that for something for school, (the word was not show-and-tell) Alexa wanted a BYU sweatshirt.
In the beginning Alexa would play both ends against the middle. To her parents she would always say “BYU” knowing they are Utah fans. To me she would shout out “Utah Utes!”
Now she has become a straight BYU fan.
Niki, today tried one more time to change her mind to no avail. Finally Alexa said “How about if I wear one that says BYU on one side and Utah on the other”
Gavie (age three) said “Grandpa is a BYU fan so I am too.
Later Alexa called and asked to speak to Grandma. I told her that Grandma was getting a massage and explained what that meant.
She said laughingly, “Well, I have a story I want you to tell her if I can remember. Oh yea, I remember. I came out of a store wearing a BYU shirt and two boys said ‘Utah Utes’”
She thought that was pretty funny.
Remember Alexa is the one who swoons over Justin Bieber.

Judy reminded Niki that when she was eight(?) she insisted on Utah sweat pants which Judy relented and finally got her. She did look good in them even though they were the wrong color.
Serves Niki right payback's a B---- as they say.

1 comment:

FRED said...

Alexa has sense changed her mind about Justin Bieber. She said to me something like this, "I don't like him any more. He has tatoos on his back and on his arm and on..."
I don't know if it is true or not but it is interesting (I'm glad) that she would use this as a chriteria.