Friday, October 14, 2011


Now I remember why I don’t do that anymore.
I don’t know what I did to earn it, but last night my back stiffened up and my leg was twitching. I couldn’t sleep. Finally at a little after two I took a muscle relaxant; the second in about a month. A half hour later I took a pain pill; the first in about a month.
A little later my body relaxed and I felt a pop in my lower back and I was soon asleep.

Wonderful except…

This morning I woke up around 9:30 feeling quite groggy. After staggering around for a while I managed to get myself together and I went to see “Uncle Tom” my chiropractor. He said my whole right side from top to bottom was tight…no kidding!
He fixed me up and off I went to Atlantis Burger in American Fork for a hot pastrami sandwich after which I came home a plopped back into bed for a couple of more hours.
Around 2:30; about twelve hours after my first pill I started feeling almost normal.

I wonder if it had something to do with the forty minute semi-brisk walk I took yesterday afternoon. Any way I reconfirm my vow never to take those pills again except when absolutely necessary. Not only do I feel better when I don’t take them but they seem to work better on those rare occasions when I do.
There go the odd jobs I planned to do around to house today.
Good night: 3:42 in the afternoon.

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