Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We all met at Chucky Cheese’s for a pizza birthday party for Wyatt and Cades birthday party. They and Lynn are in town for Thanksgiving.
Jim is in town for Thanksgiving. He and his kids met Judy, Niki, Alexa, Gavin and me at Winger’s at 13400 S. and Bangerter for dinner. Austin and Molly were there first. (Austin finally has a car; a 1994 (I think) Saturn and loving it. Jim and I were there next.
We weren’t there long when Niki called. She was in the parking lot with both kids asleep in their car seats. She asked if I would get Alexa which of course I did. Alexa soon woke up and sat next to Molly and was soon jabbering and giggling. I ended up holding Gavin the whole time. Near the end Gavin was pretending to be asleep, wasn’t totally awake.
When we were done, I put Gavin back in the car and they left.
A little later Niki texted me and said, “Gavin said ‘I like it when Grandpa puts me in the car. He is my buddy’”.

While we were eating, Niki mentioned that Gavin mumbled while he was falling asleep, “When is Grandpa going to take me to see the dinosaurs?”
After dinner, Judy and Molly and Alexa stopped at Wal-Mart and picked up Bailey and Jayden. Obviously we are going to have a noisy house tonight.

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