Friday, January 06, 2012


Friday, January 06, 2012
Today, like Monday’s, it was my day to stay with Jayden and Bailey after school until Corey got home. Jayden immediately took off to play at the park.
I guess it was Bailey’s turn to keep track of Jayden (kidding). After a while she took off to the park to play too. Soon after, she came home and said, “Jayden’s not at the park. I think he went to Zach and Cameron’s.” (I’m not sure of the spelling of the boy’s names.)
Zach and Cameron are twins that live two or three blocks east then south of Corey’s. They don’t look anything alike and one is about a foot taller than the other.
I was lying on Corey and Stacey’s bed. I have had a headache since last night and a gut ache all day. I even took a prescription pain killer at a quarter of four this morning to no avail.
Bailey kept coming home and letting me know she was home and where Jayden was: “Yes Jayden is at Zach and Cameron’s.”
Later Jaden came home on one of the boys’ bikes to get a video game to take back and play. He decided he couldn’t ride the bike and carry the game at the same time so he asked if I would drive the game there for him. I got there before he did. I have been there many times.
A little later he called and asked me to “come and get me.” It wasn’t the game he wanted and couldn’t find the right one because Bailey and her friends had been using it and didn’t put it away. It was also time to celebrate Zach and Cameron’s mother’s birthday.
We had hardly sat down after coming home when Jayden said, “Oh crap, what time is it.” “A quarter to five.” “I was supposed to meet Christina at the school and ‘hang out. She’s going to be pissed.’” I’m trying to break him of using that word. I asked him if he wanted me to drive him to the school to which he answered yes.
I let him out where he could quickly run around to the back of the school and he soon disappeared. A few minutes later he came walking back; no Christina.

                As a side note, we ate dinner at the One Man Band Diner. I saw that Jayden’s glass was empty so I grabbed it, went over to the soda dispenser and filled it back up with Coke. Jayden was so impressed that I would do that, that his mouth gapping open. Finally he got a mischief grin on his face, pointed at his dad and said, “I was waiting for the Jolly Jump Up to do it.”
I am always trying to put concepts in his head without being pushy or demanding. Unless it's Gavin, Jayden is the most apt to take it positively.
Judy was in Clearfield watching Sierra dance her solo.

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