Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Monday, July 02, 2012
            Was feeling really bad but was able to put my shoes on and go for a walk to Redwood Road via the circles in our ward. I walked 1:05:22 2.86 miles 282 calories average speed 2.6.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
            From aprox. 9:30 to aprox. 10:45 I walk towards the Centennial Building but cut up to Redwood Road, then north to the end of the houses (Sherilyn’s and Marlon’s house) then back through their neighborhood; the second ward and home. I did take three detours; one of the circles in our ward twice and the other one once.
I walked for 1:6:31 hours
Went 3.41 miles
Burned 335 calories
Average speed 3.1 mph
Took 5493 steps
That was a lot faster tempo than usual and I am feeling it; sweating like a hog.

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