Friday, August 22, 2008

Hot Rod Driver Angie

Friday, August 22, 2008 Last night after dark, Judy and I were putzing around upstairs when the doorbell rang. It was my cousin Sherilyn. I invited her in but she seemed quite frustrated. She asked very strongly if I would go out to her car with her. Her youngest, sixteen year old Angie was behind the wheel. Sherilyn said that Angie “has her driving test tomorrow and is afraid she won’t pass the parallel parking portion.” They had been in the parking lot of the church, behind our house practicing parallel parking between two cones they had taken with them, and had finally given up in frustration. That’s where I came in. Sherilyn asked if I would teach Angie how to parallel park. I reluctantly agreed. I have never been the type to tell others what to do or how to do it. Sherilyn got in the back seat of their huge-mongous White Ford Taurus and I got in the front next to Angie. Poor little Angie, as cute as she is, is not the tallest girl in the world and could hardly see over the steering wheel. I could hardly see over the steering wheel! We set up the cones; too close together at first, and I stood outside next to the front cone because it was so small she couldn't see it. She drove around and approached them from the rear and I gave her instructions and encouragement through the open windows and she tried over and over, some times sort of good and other times not so good, but eventually after enough tries she got pretty good at it. To show how hard it was in the huge car, I even tried it once and did a poor job. After a half hour or so of her getting bitten by mosquitoes, we quit. I told her that she should be fine in the smaller car she would be taking the test in. After getting her e-mail address from her I sent her the following. So Angie, how did the driving test go today? I hope you passed with flying colors! Crazy Cousin Fred She answered with: Hey!! You were able to read my hand writting. I am very impressed!!!! My test was good. I passed!! Thank you so much for your help!!!!!

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