Thursday, August 21, 2008

You've got to be kidding!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008 Now remember, I jotter-wog (water jog-I made up the term jotter-wog) on a regular basis and twist and turn and try to stay loosened up, and I even push it pretty hard, but this is nuts. Tuesday at a little after seven in the morning, I happened onto Wendy Granata’s water aerobics class at our community pool. Big mistake and even stupider, this morning at seven I forced myself out of my comfortable bed and went over and did it voluntarily. That woman is trying to kill us. I explained to her that she is not in my will and would gain nothing materialistically out my death but she just laughed and pushed us on. I can’t believe that anything that looks so mild mannered can be so exhausting. Even the warming up at the beginning and the cooling off at the end hurt. Oof. After stretching and pulling and walking fast against resistance and every other known legal form of torture, I dragged myself out of the pool, didn’t even do a decent job of toweling myself off; went home acted macho long enough for Judy to tottle off to work then plopped myself onto the bed and fell unconscious for two hours. We have been instructed to bring our “noodles” to class next time; next Tuesday. My mind is imagining what she intends to do to us with noodles. I do remember the phrase: whipping you with a wet noodle. I am afraid; very afraid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fred is a model student and I believe he has asked his body to do things he didn't think were possible!! I expect him to be one of the leaders while I am gone, pushing the ladies through their paces. Remember that after 21 times the body is in automatic mode so the hard work will be behind you.