Monday, November 10, 2008


Sunday, November 09, 2008 Corey and his family came over this evening for dinner and to watch Kung Fu Panda, a cartoon movie they had rented. They had already seen it but wanted us to watch it too. So we did. It was a fun movie. Just before turning the movie on, nine-year old Jayden asked me what the symptoms of leprosy are then went on to explain them to me. I guess his primary teacher had asked his class that same question. According to Jayden or Corey, I forget which; Jayden raised his hand and told the class. I asked him how he knew and his response was: “Sometimes I have dreams.” I mentioned this to Corey and he dismissed it as an overactive imagination, but when I asked him how he thought Jayden knew the answer he couldn’t come up with an explanation. I would at least like to believe Jayden was saying the truth. I sometimes have “out of the ordinary” dreams.

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