Thursday, November 13, 2008

One at a Time Please

Thursday, November 13, 2008 I did the Jepson from 2:10 ‘til 3:10 pm today. The temperature of the pool was 96 F, too hot for working out hard in plus I am still not feeling well, so I stayed near the shallow end where my chest was in the cool air and jogged, much of the time without pumping my arms. I have been fighting a head and chest cold for three weeks or so. I don’t remember exactly. I was feeling really bad last night, so this morning I went to the Saratoga Springs InstaCare by Café el Lago. When the nurse asked me to step on the scale I jokingly said, “The last time I got on one of these, it said, ‘One at a time please’”. Doctor Abbinanti was sitting nearby and he started giggling, and giggling and giggling. Ten minutes or so later when he walked into the examination room to see me, he was still giggling and said, “One at a time please. I like that.” I told him that as far as I know I had coined the phrase. He asked; jokingly, if I had gotten a copyright on it. When I laughed and said no, he said, “Good, I want to use it.” I gave him permission to do so. After listening to my chest he told me I had bronchitis and thought I may have the beginnings of pneumonia and ordered x-rays. Later he told me he was going to send them to the hospital for the radiologist to check out to make sure. He gave me a three day horse pill size prescription for some Azrithromycin and sent me on my way.

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