Friday, January 02, 2009

Medical update

Friday, January 02, 2009 I had a 9:40 appointment with Shelly Ebert LP to follow up on my lab work I had done last week (7 vials of blood). The news was not good, and to be honest I can’t remember half of what she said. Thank goodness she made me a copy of the results and added her notes which helps at least a little bit. Long story short, I am a heart attack waiting to happen. I am “two months” away from needing dialysis. I have a parasite in my blood; one of a number of thing making me lethargic. My testosterone level is low; another lethargic factor. I have a number of things affecting my memory. Though my bad cholesterol is good, my good cholesterol is way too low. Who knows what else! I got a shot of testosterone in my hip plus a prescription of testosterone to rub on my chest daily. I got a prescription of vitamin D, 50000 units; a huge amount. I am to take one pill, every other day. I am to take niacin at bedtime with one adult size aspirin. I need to increase my fish oil intake to four capsules a day. I have been taking one. I need to exercise every day for at least half an hour. She said walking back and fourth across the pool in chest high water is perfect. I don’t even have to jog which I have been doing when I do go. I have to admit that with the bad weather etc, I have not been doing it recently. I need to lose a lot of weight and; oops there goes that memory thing! I need to have more lab work done in three months; should I live that long, and see Shelly for the results. All I can say is, it is a good thing I have no fear of death, though going through the process of getting there disturbs me at least a little bit. I would like to live long enough that all my grandchildren are old enough to remember me.

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