Thursday, August 27, 2009


THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2009 I went home teaching yesterday with Len Pavia, my partner. He teaches and I sit there and nod my head occasionally in approval. The first stop was to Gary and Lorie Lunt’s. As we were visiting we learned that Gary was at one time the base commander at an Air Force base in Washington State. I hadn’t known that detail before. Len told about a two week trip he and Judy and several other family members took. (He got home just recently.) In response to that, Lorie told about the time in the sixties when they were moving from Germany to Washington State due to a transfer. They flew to New York and had to wait a couple of days for their car to arrive by ship. They toured New York. She didn’t like it. After their car came they started their trek to Washington. She was eight months pregnant and had two little boys an eight year old and a four year old and she was tire and grouchy. She said they stopped at some little town somewhere to get something to eat. The waitress was slow and grouchy and Lori commented on it to Gary while the waitress was away. When the waitress returned one of the children blurted out, “Mama said you’re grouchy!” Lorie didn’t know what to say and feeling less than pleasant herself she just stared her down!

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