Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Wednesday, September 02, 2009 Last night Corey and his family met Judy and me at Appleby’s in at American Fork for dinner. During the conversation they told about Jayden’s and Bailey’s doctor appointment earlier in the day at Alpine Pediatrics. I asked Stacey to e-mail me telling me about it. The following is her response. (Posted with her permission.) Well let’s see; it started with the milk. The Dr. asked how much milk they drink and I told him "about 3 servings a day". He said "That’s good you don't want more then that, 3 cups is good, 4 is too many...but no one drinks that much, its impossible" …and both of my kids eyes went right at me because I drink about 6 cups a day and that’s not including the 2 yogurts I have.... Then came the “boy test” for Jayden. The Dr. asked him if he wanted me and Bailey to leave and he said very uncomfortably "yes." After it was over we went to the car and Jayden looked very upset. Of course I asked him if he was ok, to which he said ...“NO”... I told him that every boy like Daddy, Grandpa, and Uncle Greg, has to go through that and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He said "it’s not that, I know I have to do it, it's just”...(There was a long pause)… I said again to him "it’s just what?” He quickly said "I wanted the girl doctor to do it, it felt wrong having the boy do it ...besides girls are the only ones that are suppose to touch you like that; you know when you grow up and get married its suppose to be your wife" . I jokingly said “Oh, so when you and Issie get married?” and he just smiled and said “yep but not till where really old like you and Dad.” At this point I was in tears from laughing so hard!!


Jenn & Kiddos said...

What a card!

jepson said...

I am still not sure how to feel about all that.