Monday, November 09, 2009


Monday, November 09, 2009 When I picked up the kids after school today Jayden and Issie were walking down the sidewalk side by side talking with great animation and big smiles on their faces. Bailey was close behind also in the conversation. After Jayden and Bailey climbed in the car, Jayden was hanging half way out the window and told me to drive to Issie's house. As it turned out, she was just crossing the street so we turned around and went back the other way. When we met up with Issie she yelled, asking where we were going. Jayden yelled back "to your house". She giggled then screamed "NO" and giggled some more. Jayden laughed and we headed off to his and Bailey’s house. Jayden confessed "I'm bad" repeating it several times, "I lied, she never slapped me!" He also said that today VaShawn told Issie he loved her. I guess this grossed her out and she broke off their relationship. Jayden told me about it several times and each time the story had a little different twist to it. Long story made short Jayden and Issie are back together and besides VaShawn is moving away soon.

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