Monday, November 09, 2009


Monday, November 09, 2009 Chris is in town. It was his forty-first birthday on the seventh and so the whole family came to our house after church yesterday for dinner including sushi which Jim made with the help of Chris and Jayden. It was fun to watch how patient Jim was walking Jayden through the process. Jayden is a smart lad and I’ll bet he could do it on his own the next chance he gets. We also had tempura, wontons and Thai chicken soup. Niki brought her camera and took pictures of the kids outside but between the cold and Gavin being grouchy I wonder how they turned out. I said something about Issie and Jayden got a sour face. He isn’t taking their breakup nearly as well as he was Friday. Corey and Stacey’s ward put on their primary sacrament meeting program yesterday. I understand it went off very well. Stacey did a fantastic job of putting it together. Her abilities continue to amaze me and her confidence continues to grow. Two kids refused to give talks so Jayden and Bailey filled in and did a good job. Bailey’s talk was only a few sentences long and she memorized it. Jayden’s was lengthier. Greg and Niki were the speakers in their sacrament meeting. Niki said that most of her twenty minutes were spent introducing the family and how she and Greg got together etc. She said she let Greg do the preaching.

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