Sunday, June 27, 2010


SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2010 As I have probably noted above, Judy was released from her beloved ward choir director position after ten years and made one of four gospel doctrine teachers. Her week to teach is the third Sunday of each month. This month they switched weeks because we were out of town last week. This year we are studying the Old Testament. She had never read the Old Testament nor have I in its entirety I usually get bogged down in Leviticus. Judy went to the church distribution center (I assume) and got the Old Testament on CD and lesson manuals and other learning and teaching aids. She put the CD’s in her car stereo and listened to them to and from work for weeks, and understood and got a lot out of them. At work she is the one who puts projects together for presentations. She is the best and indispensible. Others in her office either can’t do it at all or do a so, so job at doing it. Hers are professional. National headquarters got wind of one of them and is adapting it on a national or is it global scale. Judy put the same effort and abilities into today’s lesson. She went suddenly from a “why me?’ to a “Wow that was good,” (from others) in one fell swoop. I had gone home after sacrament meeting. And when I came back after the three hour block, I approached the back door as someone was walking out. They told me what a wonderful job Judy had done. About two seconds later, Ethelyn Higbee passed me and said the same thing in pretty much the same words. Later Terry Wolsey, the High Priest group leader called to congratulate her on an excellent lesson. Judy later told me that someone came up to her and said, “We recently moved into this ward. I listened to a different teacher each of the last three weeks and yours was by far the best lesson.” Now, we have a very talented and educated ward with wonderful teachers so that is really a complement. Just now Ethelyn Higbee, another super brain came over to talk to Judy and get her help on something, I think it a presentation for the Empty Nesters tomorrow night. If Ethelyn needs Judy’s help that is something!

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