Thursday, June 24, 2010


THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2010 Yesterday I bought the book “Driven”, the biography of Larry Miller, owner of the Utah Jazz etc etc. At the end of each chapter there is a postscript, often by his wife. Following is the postscript from chapter 10. “’The one thing Larry always did was live by the Spirit,’ says Gail. ‘He’d get out of bed and bet on his knees and have long silent prayers. He would tell me about them. The burden he was carrying was so heavy that he felt he couldn’t do it alone. And he felt a great responsibility about his role in the community and toward all those people who worked for him and their families. He prayed for guidance as to what he should do and what decisions he should make.” In a notebook in which he kept his favorite sayings, he included a short list of favorite quotes he liked to consider relating to his faith: Are we mortal beings having a spiritual experience, or are we spiritual beings having a mortal experience? When the student is prepared, the teacher will appear. Children are the messengers we send to a time we’ll never see. When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power. If we were charged with being followers of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict us? Thursday, June 24, 2010 I don’t know if I noted it elsewhere but at my last doctor appointment many months ago I was diagnosed with early signs of dementia and put on a prescription of Exelon patches, a transdermal medicine that is supposed to slow down the progression of it. I have not been good at using them. I think I need to, like the neighbor across the driveway, get on the pill form so I will take it along with my diabetes and blood pressure medicines every day. A couple of days ago as I was driving around in the area, familiar area, twice I looked at my surroundings and for a brief moment I felt lost and confused.

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