Monday, June 14, 2010


MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2010 Still fighting this head cold—and now bronchial infection. Today was my day to be with Jayden and Bailey while Stacey worked. I hesitate to say “sit them” as they could technically take care of themselves, though I think everyone feels better that they have an adult with them, especially on an “all dayer” like this. Corey dropped them off at 8:30 with instructions to let me rest. They did with the exception of when something important came up and something important came up about once every five minutes. Corey also told them not to ask me to take them out to eat…so…they were (as I said) all over me most of the morning and then at noon talked me into taking them to Won Won Wok for lunch. They got the usual. Jayden had two California rolls and Bailey had the sesame chicken. I had some California roll and salmon roll. Funny, on the way to Won Won Wok, Jayden told me about a song, I think from TV or whatever. He sang it to me…several times since either Bailey or I would make a little noise or comment and he would have to tell us to be quiet and let him sing the whole song uninterrupted.

1 comment:

jepson said...

Happy Grampa day fredy from all of us.we love you even Bailey...Ha Ha Ha