Saturday, June 05, 2010


Friday, June 04, 2010 Stacey worked today at Fedex Office…she opened so had to be there early. Corey dropped Jayden and Bailey off at our house on his way to work. As they walked in the door, both of them announced that they were going to stay home and “not spend any of your money!” Apparently Corey read the blog entry about them getting me to buy them something when we are out. Jayden opted to stay in the house and play his PSP and video games on my computer. Bailey and I went to the pool from about 11:00 ‘til a little before 1:00. Bailey of course made some friends and played with them. As for me, I did the Jepson for well over an hour; (walking and jogging in the pool) I am tired but it was well worth the effort. Finally I told Bailey we had to get out. We needed something to eat and we needed to go to their house and let Buddy out to do his business. She hated to leave her new friends but was nice about obeying me. I thought that as long as we had to get in the car anyway we should eat out. Bailey got some chicken rings (not wings) at Arctic Circle. She stayed in the car and ate them while Jayden and I ate two California rolls each at Won Won Wok. Jayden had to stuff the last two pieces down, but he proved he could do it. After Won Won Wok, we went back through the drive thru at Arctic Circle and got Bailey a chocolate shake with Oreo Cookie bits in it. Yum! When we got to their house, we let Buddy out into the back yard and Jayden felt a rumbly in his tumbly and ran to the bathroom. It proved to be mostly gas, but after the second burp, or probably along with it, he hucked up a bit of the sushi. He proudly gave me an “I told you so!” whatever that meant. Bailey didn’t want to be left out and she went into the bathroom and tried her hardest to throw up but she just couldn’t pull it off. Poor baby! Stacey got home a little before 5:00 and I drove home. As I was walking in the door, Judy called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner and a movie. I said sure. She said she was at 90th and the freeway and for me to meet her at Jordan Commons. When I got there she was seated at a Teppanyaki table in The Last Samari and sitting next to my place setting was the sushi menu. As much to prove something and also to be “silly” I ordered two smoked salmon rolls or rather the ones where a slab of fish sits on top of a lump of rice. It was a very generous portion and very tasty. Now remember, I had all you can eat sushi last night with the boys, sushi with Jayden today for lunch and now this…but it was goooood! The movie was Letters to Juliet a chick flick filmed mostly in Verona, Italy and the surrounding area and showed much of it. It was a fun show.

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