Friday, November 12, 2010


Friday, November 12, 2010 Today Eagle Mountain held a Veteran's Day parade and when I picked Jayden up from school, he had an American flag on a stick to which he Scotch Taped a short pencil. He climbed in the car and gave it to me. I thought that was nice of him. They both rode their scooters to school and Bailey asked if she could ride hers and go to Jade's house with Jade and Alure (sp Bailey and Jayden pronounced it Alur A) I told her that, that would be fine and asked were Jade lived. She said by the park that is by the church. After I dropped Jayden off at their house I remembered that Bailey was still wearing her school backpack. I drove to across the street from the park, turned around so I would be on the east side of the rode and waited about fifteen seconds until I saw them. I asked Bailey if she wanted me to take her backpack home for her. She said "yes" and added her gloves and then her coat to the pile in my back seat. One of the other girls said, "Your grandpa is nice." Bailey said, "Yes and crazy." "Crazy some of the time?" "No crazy all the time." To that the other girl said, "I wish my grandpa was crazy!"

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